Rock and mineral identification 3/16/2021

This week my classmates and I took a deeper look into rock identification. To do this we were given a few different rocks and had to put them in different groups according to their characteristics. These groups were igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Once we selected a rock to analyze we looked at it closely and tried our best to determine where it would go. 

Igneous rock characteristics: Crystal formation, fine or course grained dependent on rate of cooling, glassy, air pockets, light or dark in color, and are rich in iron and (or) magnesium. The photo below are the rocks I characterized as igneous.     

Sedimentary rock characterizations: Weathered due to environment, rounded, provide historic information, contain other minerals and solid particles, shale, sandstone, conglomerate, and often contain fossils. The photo below are the rocks I classified as sedimentary. 

Metamorphic rock characterizations: Form from pre-existing rock, changes from due to hat and pressure, foliated and non-foliated texture, resemble coarse grained rock. The photo below shows what I believed to be metamorphic rock

Examples: The photos below are more clear examples of each rock previously described. I enjoyed this unit and learning more about rock identification, and look forward to using these activities with my future students. 

Igneous rock 

Sedimentary rock

Metamorphic rock


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