The Rock Cycle: 3/23/2021

I started my journey underground inside a volcano as magma, and it was very hot in there! One day I heard a loud cracking noise and started to feel pressure push me all the way to the top. Before I knew it I was pushed out of my home (that was some eviction notice). Once I was out of the volcano I got very cold. I sure didn't want to take my time freezing my edges off like the other intrusive rocks; so I decided to go the extrusive route and cool faster. Then I began the solidification process. I couldn't believe my eyes, I was full of holes and formed into igneous rock. Here is my first selfie, I am rough around the edges but still cute right?

 As I tumbled down the hill I began cooling even more, and even formed some crystals! Not many though. Next I was squished and compacted by other rocks, I even lithified with someone else! But don't worry we got to know each other first. Once we became one our look changed. We were flat and just a tad bit shiny, you can thank my crystals for that. Here is our first picture together.

You will not believe what happened next. As we continued down the hill it got very windy and started to rain. I tumbled and tumbled down and started to break apart into tiny little pieces (I needed to drop a few pounds anyway). As I started to slow down a bunch of other rocks started sticking to me! I asked the other rocks what their deal was, and they said they were loosened by all the weathering so I let it slide. Now I am a sedimentary rock Check out my new look!

After my long journey down and hundreds of headaches later, I was deposited into a river! To be honest I was not happy about this, what am I a sediment? ( Technically yes, but come on! this is madness). In the blink of an eye I was in the midst of sedimentation slowly settling in the water. I thought to myself "finally! some peace and quiet" but boy was I in for it. Within minutes I was being tossed around and transported by the rivers current. The water crashed against me and threw me all over the place. I had heard about erosion before but I never knew it could be like this. Take a look at my transformation!

Then all of a sudden I heard what sounded like running water, before I could look I was being transported by waterfall. It was the scariest moment of my entire life. I then dropped out of the waterfall and rested on land. Although it was a lot of exposure, I was happy to be still for a minute. Can you guess what happened next? Yep! I was on the move yet again. Someone walking by kicked me into a huge crack in the ground! I fell deep below the earths surface, and let me tell you the heat was overwhelming. I also felt a lot of pressure. I noticed that my texture and hardness started to change. I was now a metamorphic rock! how cool do I look?

Next I felt a huge uplift and it got even hotter. I started to feel the same as I did when I was in the volcano. To keep my mind off the heat I started to think about my favorite movie The Wizard Of Oz. My favorite part is when they melt the witch with water. The same thing happened to me (kind of). I started to become magma again! 

After my very long life cycle I ended up right where I began, only to go through the whole process over again. Wish me luck! 

Drawing of rock cycle:
