Sun King 02/9/21


 Cardboard paper towel tube

Aluminum foil square (10 cm x 10 cm) 

Graph paper square (10 cm x 10 cm) 

2 rubber bands 

Thumbtack or pin 

Metric ruler 

Sharp pencil

For this activity my partners and I constructed a pin hole tube, which is pictured below. We first attached a small piece of parchment paper to one side of the tube using a rubber band. We then marked the paper with a ruler to create a small bracket as a guideline. Next we attached a piece of foil to the opposite end and secured it with another rubber band. Once that was complete we used a thumbtack to create a small hole in the foil. 

Once our pinhole was completed my partners and I each took a turn pointing our pinhole towards the sun. Below are our results, and a photo of me during the activity. 

Dot Sun (8.2 mm)   =   1,357,615.89
Tube (906 mm)              150,000,000 


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