intro science quiz

 This assignment is the creation of a blog and pre test. The pre test is a 25 question true or false quiz. 


  1. We see because light brightens things.
  2. The Moon goes around the earth in a single day.
  3. The amount of daylight increases each day of summer.
  4. The shadow of the Earth on the Moon are what creates the phases of the Moon we see from Earth.
  5. People can see planets with the naked eye.
  6. People can see the Great Wall of China with the naked eye from space 
  7. Astrology gives us insight into people mannerisms.
  8. The Sun will never burn out.
  9. The Universe is static.
  10. The Solar System, the Galaxy, the Cosmos, Space, and the Universe are all different scales.
  11. If a crystal can scratch glass, it must be a diamond.
  12. Diamonds are expensive because of the extreme rarity of them.
  13. Soil must have always been in its present form.
  14. Nobody really knows if the Earth is a sphere or if it is flat.
  15. Continents are not constant, the Earth is dynamic and in ever changing.
  16. Geology is the study of rocks.
  17. Scientists cannot confirm or refute that the Earth is between 6-20 thousand years old.
  18. Dinosaurs and cave dwellers lived at the same time.
  19. Rain comes from clouds sweating.
  20. Many people think rivers flow "down" from north to south, but rivers can flow in any direction.
  21. Clouds float because they are lighter than air.
  22. Frontal rain is caused by "cooling by contact" between fronts.
  23. Groundwater typically occurs from a basin, lakes, and fast-flowing streams.
  24. Carbon Dioxide, COis the most common greenhouse gas.
  25. Salt added to a glass of water changes the weight of water (liquid and salt).

  1. false 
  2. true this is not true  the moon orbits the earth once every 26 days 
  3. true this is false, there are more hours of light but the days are not longer. 
  4. true this is false because the light from the sun lightens sides of the moon. 
  5. false people can see planets with the naked eye.  
  6. false this is because it is too small to see with from space. 
  7. false this is a belief not a proven fact.  
  8. false the sun will burn out because the temperature is rising.  
  9. false this is because the earth is expanding. 
  10. true this is because all are structured differently.  
  11. true this is incorrect because many things can scratch glass, density must be measured. 
  12. false this is because diamonds are only expensive due to demand.
  13. false this is because soil changes over time based on how it is weathered.
  14. false this is because there is proven evidence that the earth is round.
  15. true this is because continents are on tectonic plates that are constantly shifting. 
  16. true this is incorrect, it is the study of earths physical structure.
  17. true scientist do know the age of the earth based on evidence. 
  18. false this is because 65 million years after dinosaurs died out people appeared. 
  19. false this is because rain happens due to the water cycle.
  20. true this is incorrect because rivers can flow north.  
  21. false this is because there is a constant flow of warm air.
  22. false this is because frontal rain is caused by warm air meeting a cold front. 
  23. false this is because ground water occurs in saturated soil and rock.
  24. true this is because salt water has more mass


  1. Great job Jitte!! You are doing an awesome job in education classes!

  2. Hello, Jitte!
    My name is Lauren. I look forward to being in class with you this semester and reading more blogs of yours. You're off to a great start! I like the waves in your background. Looks very warm and relaxing wherever that may be.

    Lauren Van Remortel

  3. Hi, Jitte!

    I really like the way you separated the quiz from your answers. I also really like the way you used green and red text for right and wrong answers! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better throughout the semester!



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